Amsterdam, January 20th 2021
Languages of Games and Play (LoGaP) are language-centric approaches for tackling
challenges and solving problems related to game design and game development.
This website is an interactive version of a systematic mapping study on Languages
of Games and Play that wraps the journal article [1] (and its appendix)
and provides additional features. It is based on Chapter 2 of my PhD thesis [2].
Here, our goal is to identify what informs the design of good games in order to
help speed-up the game development process for creating better games more quickly.
In particular, we study to what extent languages, structured notations, patterns
and tools, can offer designers and developers theoretical foundations, systematic
techniques and practical solutions they need to raise their productivity and
improve the quality of games and play. Our map contributes:
- An overview of research areas and publication venues.
- A set of 14 perspectives on LoGaP synthesized from summaries of over
100 distinct languages we identified in over 1400 publications.
- An analysis of general trends and success factors of the identified
research, and one unifying specific perspective on Automated Game Gesign,
which discusses challenges and opportunities for directions in future R&D.
This website is intended as a
'living document' that remains up-to-date.
Please feel free to contact me if you have comments or questions,
if you wish to discuss a topic or if you found bugs.
In case you want to cite the article, please find the BibTeX
Best regards,
Riemer van Rozen
email: rozen[at]cwi[dot]nl | twitter:
[1] R. van Rozen. “Languages of Games and Play: A Systematic Mapping Study”.
In: ACM Comput. Surv. 53.6 (Dec. 2020). DOI:
[PDF] [BibTeX].
[2] R. van Rozen. "Languages of Games and Play: Automating Game Design &
Enabling Live Programming". PhD thesis. University of Amsterdam, Feb. 2020.