Live programming brings code to life with immediate and continuous feedback. To enjoy its benefits, programmers need powerful languages and live programming environments for understanding the effects of code modifications on running programs.

Cascade. I have created enabling technology for creating these languages. Cascade is a meta-language for expressing DSLs with input and feedback mechanisms that drive live programming. Cascade is released under the 2-Clause BSD license.

More information to follow.


  1. Riemer van Rozen. “Game Engine Wizardry for Programming Mischief”. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Programming Abstractions and Interactive Notations, Tools, and Environments, PAINT. ACM, 2023. DOI: 10.1145/3623504.3623570
  2. Riemer van Rozen. “Cascade: A Meta-Language for Change, Cause and Effect”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Language Engineering. ACM, 2023. DOI: 10.1145/3623476.3623515
  3. Riemer van Rozen. “Cascade: A Meta-Language for Change Cause and Effect”. In: International Workshop on Live Programming, LIVE 2022. Note: An extended paper version appears in SLE 2023., 2022. URL: